So Robert, can you introduce us Liberator ?
Well, I am Robert, I sing. On my left is Andreas, whos the saxophone player; and
then we have Erik, who plays the organ, Johan is the drummer
Peter plays the
trombone, Daniel plays the guitar and Rodrigo plays the bass.
By the way, is not just you who sings, isnt it?
Yeah, Daniel in our latest album [Worldwide Delivery] sings in one song: Thunder
& Lightening.
Is it your fist time to come in Italy, or have you already been here before?
We have been already in a tour called Sued(e)Palooza, we were four Swedish bands
touring in Europe and than we done one Ska festival in Bologna last September [2° Moonstomp
Ska Festival].

So about your music, all your compositions are a mix of strong Jamaican rhythm with
something of Punk-Two Tone approach
Where do you take your inspiration?
We are music lovers, and we started as a Ska cover band
so obviously our roots
are there; we all listen to Reggae, Soul and all style of music and we played with Punk
bands, and you get an input from that
we are not just Ska lovers, we are music
What you think about the main differences within European Ska and American one,
which nowadays is getting stronger and stronger?
I guess that Ska in America is strongly linked to Hardcore and Punk, stronger than
what Liberator are. We have a stronger link with Two-Tone
if you look to all that
bands, we are not as Punky as the American scene

What about your lyrics?
If you look at Liberator alltogheter, we are very much a band, so some songs are
written by a person but many many songs are sort of co-written, and we are all part of the
song anyway. And even if songs are very different lyric-wise and music-wise, theres
a strong element of Liberator in each one of them.
The sound of Liberator, from the first production to the latest one, is far from
simple. Is that just an impression or did you really work at it carefully?
What we did on our first album was just to record what we done live, and in the
second album we tried to produce every song very differently.
In Worldwide Delivery, some lyrics most of all are for sure not so
happy, "Angel of Death" for example
I think theres an interesting contrast between happy music with
because world is not just sunshine
and make it all much interesting when
you do a merry song with lyrics that are not happy.
Liberator play mainly own compositions
when you done cover songs, which kind of
cover did you play? Have you played classic Jamaican songs?
We played mostly Two-Tone era songs, and we done some Bob Marley cover also
the beginning

Which one?
"Stand Alone", than also some Desmond Dekker songs.
Just a question to the saxophonist
what do you think about the sad departure of
Roland Alphonso?
Is he dead? [Roland died November the 20th 1998, one week
before, while Liberator were touring] I didnt know that! I liked him very much!
He was the John Coltraine of Ska
I liked very much
Much respect to Roland
Who made "Christine"? Do you refer to Christine Keeler from the Skatalites
and Mr. Review songs?
[Andreas]Well, if you think its about her for me is ok, but I use to
say its about all my girlfriend rolled into one
Maybe not such good girls
[Lele gives Robert an original caricature displaying him as a Viking with a
chequered helmet
Robert the Two-Tone viking!]
Is there any artist you really would like to collaborate with?
There would be many, Lee Perry
Yeah! And for Liberator
Ska is a kind of faith?
Good music is a kind of faith, and so good Ska music is it, but bad Ska music is

Did you take a look at the music awards?
No, we didnt know where they took place.
Right. What about future projects for the band?
The most important project is when we go home on December for holidays
we are on tour from a month, and its a tough job, you catch cold
you sleep to
or too much
so we are gonna to have an holiday, a long holiday, and then
we star over whit new material...
So we wish you happy holiday
but now you should give us a jingle, otherwise
youll not get out from this room!
Well better do it than :-)

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