Start of #skabadip buffer: Fri Oct 02 01:29:32 1998
*** Now talking in #skabadip
*** Topic is 'Big Man Ska'
*** Set by axxo on Thu Oct 01 23:56:59
<skabadip> here again!
<skabadip> you know that...
<Doctor> oh my god
<skabadip> they was trying to connect the bankomat!
<skabadip> i called names to them...
<Doctor> the what?
<skabadip> we are
<skabadip> to remain with you...
<Doctor> thank you for sharing this with me...
<skabadip> theres the guy that
<skabadip> was talking about Don Drummond
<Doctor> ok
<skabadip> he would like to know what do you think of his style and
<Doctor> his compositions are very effective
<Doctor> much more related to the rhythm rather than to the melody...
<Doctor> that is very interesting...
<skabadip> yes
<skabadip> we totally agree with you...
<Doctor> because most of jazzman work with harmony rather than with melody...
<Doctor> but his solos show he was a real jazzman
<skabadip> what to you tell us bout his phrasing...
<Doctor> i think its really special
<Doctor> you can tell he is him who plays
<Doctor> different from others (Ronald Wilson ;-) )
<skabadip> do you agree with us that..
<skabadip> he was used to spoke more with his trombone rather than with his
<Doctor> what?
<skabadip> it seems he was quite shy...
<Doctor> oh yes
<Doctor> everyone i know and knew him, told me he was a really reserved person
<Doctor> very introvert
<Doctor> quite shy
<Doctor> but his songs burn like DYNAMITE
<Doctor> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<skabadip> what do you tell us about the jamaican rhythmic sessions?...
<Doctor> ?
<skabadip> according to you, who has been the most important musician in creating
this beat (the Ska beat)?
<Doctor> Lloyd Knibb!
<Doctor> he mixed Rhythm 'n' Blues
<Doctor> with Burru Drums
<Doctor> and Jazz and Calypso
<skabadip> do you know Arkland "Drumbago" Parks?
<Doctor> yes i do
<Doctor> not personally
<Doctor> but his recordings, yes
<skabadip> :-)
<skabadip> here we think that for the development of Reggae music
<skabadip> Drumbago was more important than Knibbs
<Doctor> do you really think so?
<skabadip> yes because the fundamental difference is that...
<Doctor> was he playing with the Supersonics?
<Doctor> i think so
<skabadip> Knibbs
<Doctor> you could be right...
<skabadip> no
<skabadip> he use to play with the Prince Buster Allstars
<skabadip> and in some sessions at Randys
<Doctor> but later...
<skabadip> he played
<skabadip> il fischietto
<skabadip> in the Clancy Eccles Dinamites
<Doctor> oh, i didnt know that...
<skabadip> eh eh
<Doctor> oh oh
<skabadip> fired!
<skabadip> :-)
<skabadip> ok..maybe we can make a break
<Doctor> this was important for the Reggae music?

<skabadip> we sended some pictures
<Doctor> why?
<Doctor> now?
<skabadip> bloom photos...
<Doctor> oh
<Doctor> will i see my friend?
<skabadip> about Drumbago..
<skabadip> (yes)
<Doctor> the wonderful?
<skabadip> maybe...
<Doctor> good
<skabadip> wait a minute
<Doctor> ok
<skabadip> we are sending to you some pictures right now...wait
<skabadip> pictures are coming...
<Doctor> thanks
<skabadip> you are welcome...
<skabadip> regarding the Drumbago affair
<skabadip> i am not a drum player
<skabadip> but the sound
<Doctor> how many? five?
<skabadip> Drumbagos sound..
<Doctor> yes?
<skabadip> (yes eh eh)
<skabadip> the sound was similar to Reggae
<skabadip> even when Knibbs was playing a Ska rhythm
<Doctor> nice pictures
<skabadip> thanks...
<skabadip> 4 more are waiting on the line...hit yes

<Doctor> but it shows an ugly guy in front of a computer
<Doctor> i want to see the people...
<skabadip> thank you that was Axxo !
<skabadip> i think... [No, that was Tomaskarini at the console]
<Doctor> hahaha
<skabadip> so..what to you tell us about the Knibbs you agree?
<skabadip> heres Geppo...who greets you

<skabadip> even if you dont know him...
<skabadip> :-)
<skabadip> listen doctor..
<Doctor> i say you that Knibbs was the most important to create the Ska beat
<Doctor> Hi Geppo
<Doctor> Hi Gepetto
<skabadip> ahahahahah
<skabadip> geppo is happy
<skabadip> we are happy
<skabadip> yes!
<Doctor> everyone is happy
<Doctor> yes?
<skabadip> why are there in Germany so many greats Ska bands?
<Doctor> what do you mean with many? #
<skabadip> Busters,
<skabadip> Skaos
<skabadip> No Sports
<skabadip> and
<skabadip> i dont remember..
<skabadip> ahh
<skabadip> yes
<skabadip> Doctor Ring Ding!
<skabadip> Moskowskaya
<skabadip> listen..heres a girl who knows how to write in german...
<skabadip> i give her the keyboard
<skabadip> So, es gibt einige Leute, dass
<skabadip> von Paci Pacciana kommen
<skabadip> Sie wollen etwas uber El Bosso konnen
<skabadip> und die Ping Pong
<skabadip> Bist du noch online?
<Doctor> there are only few...
<skabadip> what do you tell us about german Ska?
<Doctor> ........
<skabadip> ehm....
<skabadip> ok, i give up...
<skabadip> which are your future plans?
<Doctor> Moskowskaya?
<Doctor> oh dear
<Doctor> Wo ist das?
<Doctor> ja
<Doctor> those arent german, right?
<skabadip> Moskowskaya they should be german...
<skabadip> Moskowskaya they should be german?
<Doctor> No Sports are no more a real Ska band
<Doctor> The Busters are on stage since long time
<Doctor> they were the first german Ska band to record an album...
<Doctor> to me, Ngobo Ngobo is one of the best Ska band in German
<skabadip> but they dont come so much in Italy
<Doctor> do you think they are GREAT?
<skabadip> YES!
<skabadip> and...what about your next tour?
<skabadip> are you recording something?
<Doctor> i think we should meet and do something togheter me and you
<skabadip> seems interesting...
<skabadip> (the guy is here with his girl...shes happy too)
<Doctor> i just recorded for a raggamuffin compilation..."Riddim In
<Doctor> but therell be a new Dr. Ring-Ding and the Senior allstars record
in march, i hope
<Doctor> i just recorded for Lord Tanamo
<Doctor> we are already reharshing the new songs
<Doctor> and the pictures?
<Doctor> i dindt received new ones...
<skabadip> they were four
<Doctor> its getting late...
<skabadip> ok
<skabadip> did you enjoeyd yourself?
<Doctor> i think i will go sleeping...
<skabadip> we too!
<Doctor> Buona notte, ciao e a la prossima volta
<skabadip> see you soon in Italy
<Doctor> yes?
<Doctor> were they 4???
<Doctor> i hope
<skabadip> yes..
<skabadip> i can resend them...
<skabadip> 4 or 5
<Doctor> Arrivederci
<skabadip> bis bald meine schone liebe...
<Doctor> i received them
<skabadip> unsere schone liebe
<skabadip> ok!
<skabadip> see you in Paciana
<Doctor> i wanted a picture
<Doctor> of my friend...
<skabadip> with the keyboard!!!!!!
<skabadip> which?
<Doctor> ok
<skabadip> which foto?

<Doctor> A..... [Alessia, Lele's girlfriend]
<skabadip> shes smiling
<Doctor> of A......
<skabadip> yes yes...
<Doctor> well
<skabadip> but you have one!
<Doctor> tell Lele to go...
<skabadip> Lele sended one to you...
<skabadip> ahahahahha
<skabadip> Lele tells you that

<Doctor> i will be there soon
<skabadip> he will play Dr. Ring Ding no more
<skabadip> Alessia yes
<skabadip> he will play
<skabadip> when Lele is away
<skabadip> ahahahahah
<Doctor> i will play Lele no more...
<skabadip> ahahahahhahaha
<skabadip> you are the man!
<skabadip> the big man!
<Doctor> i am!
<skabadip> we are a little bit afraid of
<skabadip> but we love you
<skabadip> particularly Alessia
<skabadip> ...
<Doctor> lele = ommemerda
<Doctor> hahaha
<Doctor> that was a joke
<skabadip> Doctor = Ugly Fat Joe
<Doctor> ...
<skabadip> our too!
<Doctor> hahaha
<skabadip> we love you!